Where do you land in the 5 Core Areas of Wellness?

Dear EQ-uipped Leaders,

You made it through January! Congratulations! January is no joke.

How are you this February 2022? Let’s take a moment and check-in. Take some stock.

Where do you land in these 5 core areas of wellness right now?

Occupational Wellness

Emotional Wellness

Financial Wellness

Spiritual Wellness

Physical Wellness

Just looking at these words and thinking about your life, what areas are you like: “Yeah, I’m crushing it!” And what areas are more like: “Oof, I don’t even want to think about that right now.”?

If you would like to take an assessment to see where you fall in each of these areas of wellness and then learn how you can nurture each area, you can access our online course here.

If you want a taste of what the course is like, here is the intro video:

What was powerful about this course for me, is how honest Adam is about his own journey in each of these 5 areas. So often in the strange arena of “self-help” there are lies sold about how to get this perfect, future life. I notice this even more at the start of the new year with the “new year, new you” mentality, which to me just feels really unrealistic. This course instead begins with an honest inventory of your own life and then offers tools for reflection for moving forward.

For me, this course was about asking myself for the first time:

  • Where am I in all of these areas? How am I actually doing?

  • Am I behaving in a way that aligns with my values?

  • What even are my values?!? Am I living out what I care about or just meeting other people’s expectations?

  • Have I taken the time to figure out what matters most to me or am I just in constant survival mode?

  • What am I modeling about how to live for my students?

  • What am I modeling about how to live for my son?

  • Would I want my son to live his adult life the way I’m living my life right now?

Taking the inventory and online course and hearing about Adam’s journey in all of these areas helped me move forward. It helped me get more honest with myself about how I was doing and gave me ways I could nurture the areas of my life that needed tending to.

One of the points we repeat in our EQ-uipped Classroom trainings with teachers is “Personal development is professional development.”

I think about this in two ways: Existentially, you deserve nurturing. Practically, you have to get professional development anyway, so why not make it something that will benefit both your personal and professional life? I don’t know about you, but I was often scrambling to get PD hours in my already jam-packed schedule. This course ends with a 5 hour certificate. Here’s mine:

So if you’re looking to invest in yourself and combo some personal and professional development, take our course:

“One of the most loving things you can do for the people depending on you is to offer them the best version of yourself, so congratulations on your decision to love yourself well.”

If you don’t already have a Teachable account with us, you can create one here. The course is the first offering:

If you can’t invest in this paid course, there are also 3 free courses on adult wellness: The Breath Series, The Body Series, and The Mind Series.

Email me at elizabeth@appliedeqgroup.com with any questions about how we can support your personal and professional development. :)

Better EQ-uipped Together, Elizabeth Eason Martin


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