Whole Educator. Whole Child.
We know that we can’t pour from an empty cup. Our work in education begins with developing the whole adult—teachers, administrators, and parents. Since the most effective Tier 1 intervention for every student is a healthy adult, adults need permission to be human, to be need-havers as well as being need-meeters. Adults who are filled with adaptive stress management strategies and effective tools for building relationships can do their best work on campus and at home meeting the educational and emotional needs of the whole child.
How does our work nurture the whole child?
The research is clear: students who practice emotional intelligence do better socially and academically. The EQ-uipped Classroom is a PreK-12 comprehensive curriculum designed to increase students’ capacity for self-awareness, self-regulation, social skills, empathy and effective decision making. The curriculum is available in Spanish and English, in print or digital formats, and includes supplementary videos to support the content
Explore some of our SEL videos - available in both English and Spanish:
How does our work nurture the whole teacher?
The EQuipped Teacher is a professional development series focused on the art and science of stress management, the dynamics of building effective relationships, and the model for holistic self-care. Additional student-focused professional development for teachers include modules on how to help students develop a roadmap for managing big emotions, how to leverage relationships in behavioral de-escalation, and how to practice daily classroom strategies to facilitate trauma-informed teaching and learning.
Check out our educator wellness assessment to see how we introduce these concepts practically.
How does our work nurture the whole leader?
The EQuipped Leader is a professional development program for administrators based on Dr. Saenz’ forthcoming book, Regulated: How to Find and Lead from the Eye of the Storm. Stress doesn’t have to be the enemy, and this training empowers leaders to develop a campus-wide plan for adaptive stress-management that allow stress to become the very fuel for increased unity and engagement on campus.
“I appreciated the perspective and expertise that Dr. Adam Saenz brought to this session.”
- Campus Leader
How does our work nurture the whole caregiver?
The EQuipped Parent is a family engagement training series designed to offer parents and caregiver practical strategies as they nurture their child. Like the EQuipped Classroom, the EQuipped Parent trainings are available in Spanish and English.
Workshop titles include:
“How to Establish Routines at Home”
“What Every Parent Needs to Know About Technology and Screen-Time”
“How to Collaborate with Your Child’s Teacher”
“What Every Parent Needs to Know About Their Child’s Mental Health”
Click below to download our targeted professional development catalogues.
We offer all professional development onsite, online via synchronous meetings or online via asynchronous self-paced study.”
Join author and school psychologist Dr. Adam Sáenz on a journey through the five pillars of SEL self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, social skills, effective decision-making.
“Applied EQ addresses real world issues, uses compelling stories to connect with the audience.”
Research and Recent Publications
Click above to see the research foundation for our work.
“Adam is so practical, funny, and down to earth. I am looking forward to having him come to our district to share his message with our teachers.”
Click above to see our recent publication in the TEPSA Leader.
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