What are my beliefs about financial wellness?

Dear EQuipped Leaders,

It wasn’t until I took the wellness inventory and course below that I realized how many weird hang-ups I had about money. Beliefs that I hadn’t ever taken time to think about and decide for myself if that was really what I believed. 

Adam shares his own example of the power of these beliefs in the course. He grew up without and was taught that money is evil and people who have it are evil and can’t be trusted. Until he was able to work through that belief from his family of origin, he struggled to reconcile that he could make money successfully and not be evil, that money is really just a tool. Like a hammer, money can be used constructively or destructively. 

I’ve been working through similar hang-ups. My issue is seeing my lack of awareness or care around finances as moral superiority. A belief I’m realizing I held unconsciously is:  “Well, I’m better than everyone else because I don’t care about shallow things like money. I just care about making a difference.” Essentially, I was operating out of self-righteousness and saw my ignorance about money as an honorable martyrdom. When in reality, I was just being irresponsible and not taking care of myself and my family in this really important realm of well being. 

The biggest shift that happened for me was following Adam’s advice to reach out to someone who loves me to be a support person in my finances. I ended up reaching out to a  friend from college who is a CPA, and he was happy to help me. I felt empowered by his support and encouragement that I could better handle my finances, and me being vulnerable and expressing my need for help strengthened our connection and friendship. It was wonderful to reconnect, and I then created accountability for myself to grow in my financial wellness. 

Whether it’s a friend, a member of your religious organization, a family member, someone who loves you, it can be really powerful to invite another person into your financial life, to share that part of yourself. 

I keep being shocked by how much people in my life really want to help me. And when I’m willing to be honest with myself about what I need and ask kindly for help, I get it. I’m especially shocked at how people genuinely enjoy helping me and see it as an honor. I’m so much more comfortable being the helper than the help-ee that it has been really humbling and healthy to start admitting I have areas I need support. I find it deepens my relationships and allows the people in my life to be more vulnerable with me as well.

Where does this land for you today?

  • What are your conscious or unconscious beliefs about money?

  • How do you feel when I ask?

  • Do you think of money in binary terms as good or evil or do you think of it as just a tool?

  • How were finances handled and talked about (or not) in your family of origin?

  • Who do you feel comfortable talking to about money? Who is your support person to help hold you financially accountable?

Been thinking about taking the inventory? You can, right now, for free!

Take the inventory and one hour course, and you will get a certificate at the end for PD credits. ;)

The course and wellness inventory are normally $75.99, but if you use the coupon code Summer22, the cost is waived. Enter the coupon code to the right when you create your account. Here’s mine as an example:


Better EQuipped Together, Elizabeth elizabeth@appliedeqgroup.com

Elizabeth graduated with a B.A. and M.A. in English from the University of Central Arkansas. She taught English for a decade and got to read and write alongside kids in 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. The Applied EQ Group played an important role in her own personal EQ Intervention, and she is grateful to be able to spread the love and EQuip, empower, and encourage others. :)

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