What is the power of a teacher?

Dear EQuipped Leaders,

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week eve!!! :)

I want to spend our time together this week loving on teachers and reflecting on the impact teachers have in all of our lives.

As a teacher, I often had mixed feelings about this week of appreciation. The gifts and jubilant “Teachers are heroes!” messages were nice, but it also sometimes left me feeling doubtful:

Am I a hero?

Because as I slumped into my chair in the teachers lounge, shotgunning a teacher appreciation donut and my third diet coke for the day, I didn’t feel very heroic. I just felt tired and really unsure of all of my work:

Is my hard work paying off? Am I serving my students well? Are they going to be okay? Am I even doing a good job?

And while the donuts, starbucks gift cards, and all the things parents shower on their kids’ teachers to try to thank them for helping raise their children are great, I want to go a little deeper and talk about one of my favorite Applied EQ topics: The Power of a Teacher.

So today, I have an invitation for you. :) I invite you to grab one of those delicious and well-deserved teacher appreciation breakfast tacos from the lounge, find a quiet space for just yourself, and carve out 18 minutes to reflect on the power of your work:

I hope this video fills your cup. I hope it reminds you of the power of your work. I also want to offer you three words that are helping me today:

Trust your work.

Your presence, in all of its messiness and glory, is a gift to your students.

Where does this land for you today?

  • Who were the teachers who have impacted your life?

  • What were their names?

  • How did they make you feel?

Want to show your teachers some love?

  • Everyone: Are you reminded of a teacher who impacted your life? I invite you to forward this to them and let them know the power they had in your life. :)

  • Principals, Education Leaders, PD Coordinators: are you looking for ways to love on your teachers? We have a variety of in-person and virtual offerings. From helping your teachers nurture wellness in all areas of their life to teaching first-year teachers how to prevent burnout, we can love on and EQuip your teachers.

How can we support your teachers?

Our mission is to EQuip leaders, classrooms, and parents. We would love to get to know you better and talk about how we can serve your school community.

Schedule a call with Jenny, a veteran teacher and principal, to discuss what support your teachers need, and if Applied EQ is a good fit for your campus. Jenny is our Director of School Partnerships. Read more below about how teachers inspire her work EQuipping school leaders:

“If you're anything like me, you went into education to make a difference. To be the teacher who has a lasting positive impact. To bring more joy, gratitude and optimism to your life and the lives of your students. Maybe, like me, you had teachers around you (or even just 1 person) who championed you as a student. Imagine them now. What's their name? Who were they for you? For me it was Mr. Varichek in 7th grade. He gave me an award for "most improved science student" Not the best one, or the A grade, but most improved...and this, my friends set me in motion to start to see my own actions were vital in my life (school, sports and life) A teacher spoke those words into my 7th grade brain and I needed to hear it, see it and experience that moment (as small as it may sound now!), changed me, forever.”

Inspired by Adam’s TEDx talk and looking for more?

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Happy (and all the feelings) Teacher Appreciation Week!

I hope you are feeling some very well deserved love this week.

Better EQuipped Together, Elizabeth Eason Martin

Email me at elizabeth@appliedeqgroup.com with any feedback or questions. :)


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